Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #89, my #39 - Random Idea Generation

  1. Got no good ideas for TT today.
  2. Feels like I'm running all the time, figuratively.
  3. I need to get new running shoes.
  4. Yesterday when I ran my shins were hurting.
  5. I hate that.
  6. I heard that the temperature it supposed to go up to 20 today! (70 F).
  7. It snowed just on Monday.
  8. Stuff like that makes me laugh.
  9. What's with all the tragedies that occur at schools and colleges?
  10. My condolences to all impacted, and then some, at Virginia tech.
  11. I have a little secret that I need to blog about.
  12. I haven't had time, but when I do it will be on ICL Talks.
  13. It's a good one, but is kinda in progress, if a secret can be such as that!

Happy Thursday Internets!


Carmen said...

ooooh. a secret. I must know!

Anonymous said...

Secrets...I love secrets...especially on the Internet. ;)

I love random lists like that. Happy TT!

Ingrid said...

I need a GPS to find the way through your blogs ! Now I am nearly blind from "walking" from green to pink and pink to green, lol ! No idea is also an idea so your TT is good ! and don't make us curious with secrets !! that's a shame I am not curious AT ALL and now I can't sleep because I want to know your secret !

Bobkat said...

See, now I'm all intrigued about what your secret might be! Is it that you are training to be a flying nun, or that you are single handedly swimming the atlantic and then climbing mount Everest, or have you taken up underwater soot juggling???

Heather said...

Weather has been very crazy!!


Anonymous said...

#11 is intriguing! I'll be back to check it out when you post.

L^2 said...

LOL I love random topic TT's. :-)
I need new running shoes too.
Happy TT. Mine's random this week too!

Anonymous said...

So, you're planning on giving us a clue one in time to make us really, really curious....? *lol*

Unknown said...

I've always thought 13 things was way too many.

(the cats were back today)

Unknown said...

Hello my dear- I hope you don't have shin splints!

Oooh, a secret. I hope it is a good one. :-)

Sparky Duck said...

shin splints, watch out for shin splints

MaR said...

*whispers* I love secrets, I really do :)

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Internets ~ thanks for your comments ~ really appreciated!

My secret is out on ICL Talks.

Have a great weekend everyone!

kuanyin333 said...

Like Gattina, I'm confused! Ok...blab that d*** secret already! Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

happy TT to you